Flushing & Sampling
Mueller’s Hydro-Guard products allow you to take full control of your system’s water quality.
Automatic Flushing Systems
The Hydro-Guard® Automatic and S.M.A.R.T. Flushing products address a range of utility needs and community concerns. Traditional routine flushing programs can mitigate community drinking water concerns related to taste, discoloration, or odor; however, manual hydrant flushing can be costly and time consuming for utilities along with causing wear on the hydrant. Automated flushing programs can allow you to flush your lines discretely and during off-hours.
Hydro-Guard ties seamlessly into the Sentryx platform.
Temporary Flushing Systems
The Hydro-Guard® Automatic Hydrant Flushing System takes automatic and programmable flushing capabilities anywhere in the water distribution system where a fire hydrant is available and is the perfect solution for temporary or emergency flushing needs.
Water Quality Sampling Stations
The Hydro-Guard Blow-Off Sampling Station (B.O.S.S.) provides a reliable and user-friendly method for taking water quality samples from a utility’s own water distribution line. Using a permanent, dedicated sampling point allows utility personnel to access sample locations at their convenience—no appointment necessary. Hydro-Guard Sampling Stations are for use in warm or cold climates, with a variety of freeze protection options available for the protection of these devices in even the coldest of climates.
Mueller® enclosures are ideal for protecting valuable utility assets from the environment or vandalism. We offer a wide range of sizes, materials and options to meet a utility’s need to cover a sample station, air release valve, or any other water or wastewater asset.